Friday, February 29, 2008

Monday Night Football

IMG_0368.jpgI posted some photos from our trip to see the Broncos in my .Mac web gallery.

The Smoke House Burger had 2" of shoestring onion fries to smash down before you even have a chance of fitting it in your mouth. It was delicious. I wish we'd gotten a shot of their Wall o' Screens off to my right. A giant screen in the center that reaches top to bottom, and twelve smaller screens to the sides. They had a row of six black leather recliners with little armrest tables. It was so beautiful. (They have pictures on their web site, including a picture of the burger.)

The seats were on the front row of the upper tier. There was our row of seats, room to walk, and then the rest of the crowd was up behind is. We had a totally unobstructed view of the field. It was a great game, and we won. We couldn't have asked for better weather – 55° and clear.

Preseason starts in August, right?

1 comment:

The Peterson's said...

Sound like you two are having alot of fun!!