Friday, May 16, 2008

It's the Weekend

This was a long week for some reason. But it's over now. We're at
T.G.I. Friday's, getting a bite before going to see Prince Caspian.

Here's my Wild Berry Lemonade, and if you look closely, you can make
out the fountains in the median.


The Peterson's said...

How was the movie? Owen and I want to see it but now we have to get a babysitter. Plus only being 2 weeks old we feel it is a little to soon for babysitting yet. So I guess we will have to wait until it is out on video.

Colter said...

It's good, right up there with the first one. Yes, it's probably a little early to deposit the wee one with a babysitter (you wouldn't be able to focus on the movie anyway). Either get him some earplugs and catch a matinee, or just wait for the DVD. I figure it should be out in time for Christmas.