Saturday, May 24, 2008

Finished Reading: MBA Basics

Some of you already know (and the rest now know) that I'm seriously considering starting an MBA program soon. I already know I'll enjoy certain aspects of it, like finance and leadership. But what about the other nuts and bolts of a business education, like Marketing and Sales? I had an Economics class while earning my BS. I don't remember if it was Macro or Micro, but I remember it was a painful class. Is it really that painful of a subject, or was the teacher just not that good?

With an eye to shedding some light into those areas of dark unknowns, I picked up a copy of Tom Gorman's MBA Basics. It's a pretty good read. Gorman gives an overview of the issues involved in managing people, resources, finances, and marketing, as well as steering and growing a business.

Whatever business you're in (and that includes nonprofits, education, and the like), you'll get a good view of the bigger picture that you (or management) deals with day-to-day and quarter-to-quarter. The different topics are well-presented, so you should be able to get a feel for how appealing to you any particular area is. If you find something you like, follow it up. Learn more about it. Educating yourself is one of the most rewarding activities you can do.

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